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My Projects

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IN PROGRESS: Project TimeDash - Unity Game

Personal Project

This is a top down 2D hack-and-slash game in progress. I'm using assets created by Pita. See more details about the progress in the Github repository.

  • Unity Engine
  • C#
  • Adobe Photoshop

The Struggle - Unity Game

Game Programmer, Sound Design

This 2D platformer is UC Davis themed with the premise being about a student who needs to get to class in time. This game was developed in a team of 5. I was in charge of implementing the character movement and the audio system for the game. I also assisted teammates in implementing other systems, like inputs and animations

  • Unity Engine
  • C#
  • Adobe Photoshop

Alternate Universe - Unity Game

Gameplay Programmer, Art Design, Level Design

This game was created in a team of 4 for a game jam hosted by Sac State and UC Davis. In this top-down 2D shooter, you switch between 2 parallel worlds and your goal is to collect all coins. I was in charge of programming various gameplay aspects, deciding on the art style and procuring assets, and designing the level.

  • Unity Engine
  • C#
  • Adobe Photoshop

Pong Clone in SDL2

Personal Project

This was my second game using SDL. I created this project to learn more about how real-time action games work, rather than a command line interface or turn based one. Implementing this required me to implement low-level systems, like handling framerates, game states, collision detection, and more.

  • C++
  • SDL2 Development Library
  • Adobe Photoshop

Tic Tac Toe in SDL2

Personal Project

This was my first game using SDL. This was a learning project to learn more about what happens under the hood of a game engine. I had to handle graphics rendering, game states for a turn-based system, and more.

  • C++
  • SDL2 Development Libary
  • Adobe Photoshop

Curve Editor

School Project

This is a program that, given user input, generates points for and renders Bezier and B-Spline curves using the de Casteljau and de Boor algorithms, respectively.

  • C++
  • OpenGL